Vacuuming the hallway with ProTeam Backpack vacuum

From waiting rooms to surgical wards, preserve the health and appearance of patient and administrative spaces with ProTeam vacuums. Our advanced filtration system captures indoor pollutants, helping ​to protect those with respiratory vulnerabilities. 

Strategies for More Effective Cleaning with Better Efficiency

  • Clean Better
  • Clean Faster
  • Reduce Costs

Cleaning for Health to Help Improve Indoor Air Quality

Proof Positive

“We have fallen in love with the GoFree. It reduces your cleaning time by at least a quarter, if not half. The backpack vacuum has a good runtime on it. If the battery is fully charged, you can use it non-stop for about an hour."

Scott Wilson, Director of Environmental Services for Wellstar North Fulton Hospital

Proof Positive

Cleaning for Health & ProLevel Filtration System

ProLevel Filtration® technology better captures microscopic dust that can harm health and trigger asthma or allergies. Most ProTeam vacuums have multiple levels of filtration, each level designed to sift out smaller and smaller particles. The Intercept Micro Filter is the first line of defense.

The unique ProTeam method of suction-vacuuming cleans carpets, hard floors, and other surfaces without stirring up dust – so the air stays cleaner, the furniture collects less dust, and operators can work without breathing unhealthy air in the indoor environment.

Cleaning for Health & ProLevel Filtration System
4 Level Filtration

Cleaning for Health® Webinar

Click the button for a 22-minute presentation by Ray Noonan, ProTeam Eastern Zone Manager on the importance of Cleaning for Health. The presentation will include:

  • What is the difference between cleaning for appearance and Cleaning for Health
  • Why high-performance cleaning is important to improve IAQ
  • How cleaning pros can clean for health with optimum efficiency
Cleaning for Health® Webinar

Clean Faster, Save Money

Backpacks clean 3x faster than a broom & 2x faster than an upright!

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 Source – The Official ISSA Cleaning Times ( Used with permission. * Based on $13.00 per hour average wage

ProTeam Vacuum ROI Analysis
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